woensdag 2 januari 2008

Letifa Force

Strange flowers appeared in tc. The first ones didn't do anything than growing and dieing. But the next one transformed Leda into a bat. And some flowers later, it happened. A flower grew a bit west of Reizi's tree, and when it died it fired a huge fire on me. I died immediatly and was badly wounded. Soon 'some' Leti came in town, but their training wasn't  enough. The next flowers grew. They didn't transform someone or killed someone else, but healed me a little. As you can see on this picture. These bubbles helped me :) You also see the flower.

Some time later, enough Leti was in tc and enough flowers healed me a bit. The leti-ranks from Wantz, Camdopi, Malachym, Beatrix, Lafaborn, Baucis and K'haquel were really needed. I thank them again ;)  (for some reason I don't know the people I'm sharing doesn't show a line under their name :()

I hope I'll never need so much Leti again. I also hope I don't meet this flowers again. I don't know what I've to think about them. On one side, one of them killed me badly, but on the other side they helped healing me. So just hope they don't appear again :D

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