dinsdag 12 februari 2008

First steps in a changed world...

This was one of our first step in the new world...
We found some underground tunnels where purple scorpions live. They were hard for our new, weak bodys. (Look at Aridor, our strong fighter who's fallen 'and' blocking the way for Elaine.)

vrijdag 1 februari 2008

The End (for some)


We're now all waiting untill we can log in again weak and without any cloths...
The endquest was very nice and I'll set pictures of it online *soon* (when I deleted all bad ones...)
And I just have to do something, so I'll write my ranks down I got in Beta...

Corpus: 66
Pellia: 60

Stabilis: 505
Tutamen: 112
Battuo: 154
Laedo Ledo: 32
C'tego: 101
Ponthera: 168
Resumiell: 78
Genêze: 50 (maxed)

total: 1326 (1200 fighterranks)

